Respecting interconnected systems

The components of the Sierra A Mar (Ridge to Reef) plan are based on the understanding that nothing happens in isolation and that complexity must be respected.

Biological systems

All natural systems from the top of the mountain, through the watershed across the beach, into the shallow reefs, and out to deep ocean canyons are interconnected in an intricated web that can only function properly if all parts are thriving.

The beating heart of CostAlegre is a watershed system of four rivers that move water from the mountain ranges to the coast, culminating in expansive estuary lagoons.

Dynamics of society

A realistic strategy must ensure that all stakeholders are considered and that group dynamics are understood. This includes:

  • Local communities, citizens groups, & Indigenous people

  • Local, state, and national governments and agencies

  • Municipalities & associations

  • Private sector, influential individuals /entities

  • Academia and NGOs, international conventions

  • Local and national media

Science, local and indigenous knowledge

Each element of the plan must be based on the knowledge and experience of technical and local experts, bringing in the best science available, and combining it with indigenous and cultural knowledge that is appropriate for the region.

Going beyond sustainability

Ridge to Reef conservation has become the leading model for sustainable planning around the world, embracing the land and coastal/marine conservation as well as its resource-dependent communities. Many of the natural systems in the region have been damaged and depleted. Simply protecting what is in existence now will not be enough.

By moving beyond a goal of “sustainable”, or merely doing no harm, a regenerative approach to development reduces risk. It increases resilience to future environmental, social, and economic risks.

REGENERATION is the model of the future