Our Opportunity

It is up to us. Right here. Right now.


Because the location and circumstances are unique. Anyone who has visited CostAlegre knows how special this place is. But this harmony is fragile and requires protection.


Because we believe in the convergence of the right people coming together to give shape to a vision and a desire that has long existed in the region. We have assembled a highly effective team to create an optimal plan, layer by layer. We will invest considerable time and money into building human capacity and adding the kind of partners that can make Sierra A Mar a powerful vehicle for change.


Because our window of opportunity will shrink the longer we wait. Once harmful developments and unchecked growth take a foothold, it will be hard to course correct.

The Future we can and must avoid

If we don’t plan and act now, we will suffer dire consequences.

Most coastal tourism destinations in Mexico destroy the special environmental and socio-cultural values that drew development there in the first place. This affects people, nature, businesses, and investments. Diminished natural beauty and social conflict will lead communities, developers, and investors down the same path as other regions in Mexico that have been ruined by development.

We must learn from past mistakes

Planning and management will become increasingly challenging. If we do nothing, we face a certain future of:

  • increased tourism and uncontrolled development

  • stronger climate impact, insufficient adaptation

  • a growing workforce and population numbers

  • a housing and infrastructure crisis

  • increased needs for resources and social services

  • strained systems of waste management

  • increased traffic, air, and water pollution

Using a Ridge-to-Reef restoration and conservation plan opens up an opportunity of unprecedented scale in Mexico.

Growing global forces are a big factor in planning for the future

Our commercial and industrial obsessions have disturbed the biosystems to an extent never before known in the course of human history. The loss of biodiversity and climate change are now seen as a major threat to the life systems on planet Earth. Every day we see the devastating impacts of climate change, a threat that we have been anticipating and watching for decades but have done little to counteract. Many people worldwide are suffering the consequences now, and the effects will accelerate in the coming decades.

Ignoring effects, and delaying action will make these challenges even greater. We can prepare, restore, and adapt.

The Potential of Costa Alegre

Biodiversity in Mexico & Jalisco

Mexico is among the world's five most biodiverse countries, and the CostAlegre region in Jalisco is one of Mexico’s most biodiverse places with some of the highest endemism in the country.

There are many established protected areas

The region has a relatively low density of population, large-scale reserves, and extensive private land holdings with planned developments that are aiming for low-density, high-quality tourism offerings. It holds eleven RAMSAR sites, the pioneering conservation area Reserva Chamela-Cuixmala, and an important section of the Central American Jaguar Corridor.

Communities, developers and agencies are aligned

Rarely are the forces of economic development, social justice, and environmental protection aligned in large land- or seascapes. On the CostAlegre coast, communities, developers, and government agencies share a shared desire for a regenerative, nature-based future.

Landowners and developers can make or break the future of Costa Alegre

Collaboration between coastal developers

Extensive Landholdings along the coast and a shared vision by investors and developers create an unparalleled opportunity for scale. If they move in unison and continue to align development standards to keep the natural integrity of CostAlegre intact, they can make the vision of a regenerative economy a reality.

The 100km plan

Based on all the aspects mentioned above, the confluence of many more favorable factors, and the undeniable urgency for action, we propose a bold plan that has never been attempted before:

A 100 km zone stretching from Xala in the North to Tamarindo in the South, with special recognition and protection.

This can only be achieved if developers and investors unite to shape and support a comprehensive strategy. A plan that shows foresight, is based on equity, and serves as a protective instrument for all of CostAlegre.

“The people of the CostAlegre can choose a different path. The region can become a global beacon of a blue-green economy that protects natural resources and provides for a healthy and ethical lifestyle”